Hey Fans,
Sorry for the depressing title, no I am not giving up on life or my hobby, but I am getting tired of the latest vibe with one of my hobbies. I am pretty sure this feeling is from the current state of affairs with the world and the Rona, but I am getting tired of Games Workshop and the current trend of collecting being the main focus for the hobby.
I started my war gaming hobby with a few old classic GW games like Space Hulk and Blood Bowl and I moved onto to Warhammer Quest, Fantasy Battle, Battle Fleet Gothic, Epic, Lord of the Rings, Warhammer 40K, AOS, Kill Team and a few others. I have been a fan of all of their games and of recent love the models that they are turning out. yes i am a GW gamer at heart. I have spent tons of money on games and have had a great time with all of them. In fact some of the other versions have pulled me back into the fold and spent a lot of time working on newer models.
But I have started to wonder if its worth it anymore? Its not the money, I am not really enjoying the games like I used to when i was younger. I used to get all fired up thinking about games, campaigns and new projects, now I just feel sort of like Ehh. Perhaps its being older, my attention is not like it used to be and even the drive is not there like it was.
I wonder if this feeling is the same with others? Is there a point that we reach with GW games that is the end? Am I alone thinking like this? As I said at the top, some of this is brought on by the fact I can't game as much right now, I keep hearing this thing will pass, but its been almost 6 months and its still here, dosn't look like its going away anytime soon, but I will not go there. The other part of it was just yesterday I was looking through my book shelf and I still have two copies of old Warhammer Fantasy, a couple of editions of 40k books and a few other game rule books from GW, I have at least a two dozen rulebooks and it dawned on me, why do I still have these??
That is what got me thinking, am I done with Games Workshop? My most recent projects have me thinking about Pulp games, WW2 games and other games (Gaslands) that I would rather be playing. The drive to do anything for GW is just not there. perhaps the saying is true, with age comes wisdom, maybe I am done spending money with a company that dosn't seem to value you me anymore (if they ever did that is).
So I am just wondering, is this depression of GW coming from the Rona? Is it coming with Age? I can't be the only one who feels like this (or am I?). I would love to hear your thoughts and comments.