Here is the post I tried to get up a few weeks ago, so here you go.
Well I have been busy building 1/48th scale Tamiya kits for my WW2 gaming in 28mm. I took the plunge into 1/48th scale kits for a couple of reasons. First, it is allot easier to get these kits here in the states as opposed to getting the many 1/56th scale resin kits that are made in the UK. Secondly, the price. Since the US dollar is weak against the British Pound, it is cheaper to spend $20 - $30 dollars for theses Tamyia kits than the $40 - $50 UK kits. Thirdly, I am a modeler and the resin kits still seem to be lacking something. There are a ton of nice resin kits out there from folks like Bolt Action Miniatures, but they still seem to be missing the detail that the Tamiya kits have.So here are a few shots I took today, the first model I bought was this Crusader II kit.
I have lined this up with a AGN Matilda for size comparison.
Here are a few shots with Artizan figures next to them.
Here is a size comparison with the Walmart tank and the Tamiya Tiger.
Here are just a few more shots I took.
Here is also a shot of my new game table I got built as well with the first game to be played on it, LotOW.