
Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Old Games & Old Guys


This week I have been thinking about a few things going on with me and gaming. No I am not getting out of it, but were my recent thoughts have been on with my gaming. Really its what am I focusing on and I started to wonder why I am thinking like this.

My recent interests seems to be older games that I either played in the past or never got a chance to play, like this recent obsession with Waraster. This past weekend was also one of our shops local gamers garage sale day and of course I had certain things I was looking for.

But my list of items were all for long forgotten games such as Warhammer Quest, anything Pirates or Old West related, Mordheim related items and possibly LotR items. I made two trips around the sellers area, and nothing jumped out at me. What I noticed was lots of 40k and AOS projects, nothing on my list. My buddy Mike found a few things, but these were more role playing items. But nothing really jumped out at me as anything I needed to purchase.

Also the other day I reached out to my game group, our discord channel and a couple of FB groups about playing some Gaslands, other then one person, no one seemed interested in playing and this is not a old game by any means! It seems that the interest for playing Gaslands has dried up here in the valley. This had me asking my buddy Mike, if he was maybe interested in helping run an event for the game over in Vegas for LVO next year. He was not interested in hosting a game and honestly he was not very excited about playing much other then classic old games as well like Quest, or Space Hulk. 

I totally understand where he is coming from, games today, just are not that exciting anymore to us older gamers. Part of the reason is constantly chasing new versions of the rules and having to spend more money on things we already have. A certain company sure has locked down the FOMO attitude and is constantly changing things up. Perhaps I have hit that point that I really don't care about the latest and shiniest thing anymore in gaming. 

There are a few games that look interesting, but the availability makes them tough. Take for example Black Site Studios, they have three games that I would love to play, Hamutsu, Lunar and Don't look back. But the problem is they sell directly and do not send to retailers, this makes it hard for me to try to get anyone excited to play, especially in your local game store. "Hey that's a cool game, can I buy that here? Nope dealer dosn't sell it. 

And on the topic of new games, I think my time has passed as a flag bearer for games. I have done that for many games, trying to get folks interested. But its a lot of work and I do not think I have it in me to be a cheerleader for free for a company anymore. I know my gaming buddies are not interested in doing that either, once again the curse of the old men, get off my rocks you young kiddos!

So where does that leave me? Well its still in a place of uncertainty, one hand I want to play some older games, want to play them with regularity, but those games now have a small following so it will take time to get them to the table. The other hand, I am tired of always trying to get games going or going again. I guess I just need to learn to be appreciative when I do get to play with friends these older games that we enjoy.

Sorry for the ramble, but felt like I needed to get that off my chest.


Warmaster armies, so far!


Good Morning folks,

SO in the last post I wanted to get pictures up of my growing Warmaster Armies, so here is a brief photo recap. 

First army was a Vampire Counts army, all STL from Forrest Dragon:


Black Nights


Dire Wolves

Grave Guard



Fell Bats


Black Coach

Various Vampires

Vampires on Mounts

Next Up are Dwarves which is original all metal army from GW.

Unit od Dwarves
Troll Slayers
Flame and Regular Cannons
General and Heros
Dwarven Anvil

Now Kislev, which is all metal army from GW.

Horse Archers
Winged Hussars
Unit of Bears
War Wagons
Tzarina on Sled
Various Hero's

So there you have it, three armies and there is a 4th being worked on now as I type this. There just seems to be something cool about painting these Massive small armies that is really scratching an itch for me.


Monday, January 27, 2025

Its Alive!!!



Its been a few months since my last post, funny how life gets in the way of hobby fun. Well as the picture above shows, I have found a new game to play, yeah sure, its 25 years old now, but hey I am always late to the game!

So at the beginning of 2024 I picked up the Warmaster rules and had a buddy print up a Vampire Army to play with. My buddy Mike has Orcs and Goblins that he was working on so I got to painting up my army. Tom also decided to jump in and he was the one that printed out the Vampires for me. Tom also has a few armies already painted and a few in the works.

Well before 2024 ended, I finally got in a game with Tom and we both loved it, I then got Robert to play a game as well as a few more games with Tom. In the mean time, I got a Dwarf army and a Kislev army in trade and got to working on those (I will make a post about those and the rest of the armies). It seems that I have fallen in love with the rules and I also went out and got the Warlord Games "Epic" English Civil War starter box and started working on those.

Funny, I was going to dive back into Mordheim in 2025, but it looks like I am consumed by Warmaster and everything Epic. Funny how things change.


Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Dead Rise in Warhammer Quest 95!

Welcome back Adventurers,

Its been a while since I last posted, but had an interesting few months with lots of stuff going on around the home. But earlier this week, I gave GW more money for some products. When Old World got announced, I was hoping for  the older models to come out so I could add them to quest. I like the look and feel of the models from that time frame. So after watching to see what armies would be out, I took the hook and picked up this box set of 36 old style skeletons.  

Lot more expensive then I remember!

Looks and smells like 1999 in this box! LOL

So I wanted to expand to add to my Undead for Quest for some time, with this box, I was able to build 6 archers, 6 spearman & 6 hand weapon for encounters. I still had some shields from back in the day and thats all I did to them.


Hand Weapons

So after a walk down memory lane, I now have more then enough models for quest. I also have left overs to do some for Mordheim and Deth Wizards as well.

Now to get painting again.


Sunday, April 14, 2024

The cult has arrived!



I got my Cult of the possessed completed for the Mordheim project, I had started out trying to paint a blue scheme. but after painting two, I was not feeling it. So I switched to a Red and brown as I saw these being followers of Khorne.

The whole gang, thinking of calling the the Butchers!

Magistrate and a possessed brother with a mutation.

Some brothers with Bows

More brothers with hand weapons.

My take on Dark Souls. 

So there you go, a few more models finished for good old Mordhaeim.


Friday, April 12, 2024

Some ACW again

Okay gang,

Got inspired to paint up a few civil war regiments, I am trying to organize another large group game. 

Just a large unit of Rebs, none in particular.

The New York 41st volunteers. 

 With the Rebs I tried some of Army painters Speed paints, but I ended up buying the wrong color, so I thinned down Uniform Grey and made my own speed paint, aka wash.

The union troops were painted up as the 41st new York Volunteers as they wore green coats, green hats and had grey paints with a red pinstripe down the side of the pants.

I have two more regiments on the table slated for the Union side.


Sunday, April 07, 2024

The Railroad Empire grows!


Been working on my two Modules for the group I belong too, as we have another group set up in a few weeks. Thanks to my buddy Robert for lots of work, we were able to get the modules ready for their test at the last show.

The last few weeks I have been trying to decide on the layout for the second module, which I finally pulled the trigger and went with a simple spur that will lead to a large warehouse building, in fact the whole module pictured below will be warehouses with only two being rail serviced.

The final plan

The facia and plug ins for the module are in.

The modules boxed for travel.

Another shot of the modules together.

Here is the first module.

So there you go, making progress on the module and the nice thing is I can hook these together to have either a small passing siding or go with the other ends to give me a small switching puzzle sort of layout. I also made them be able to be separated so that they do not need to be next to each other. Too many people in our group have set sizes, while the club is modular, certain modules have to go together, I decided that I did not need to have them be combined like that. So progress is moving along, I am happy with where this is headed.


Thursday, March 21, 2024

Getting a little Chaotic around here!


While surfing the old waves of the Internet I came across these STL files from a sculptor named Fabelzel, he had Evil Dwarfs and Eastern Goblins, so I had a buddy grab the files and print off a few for some Warhammer Quest 95. These are awesome models and will work perfectly for Chaos Dwarves and Hobgoblins. The best part was that these files were free!!! And man, are these some nice sculpts too, very glad I found them as they have that old school GW vibe to them.

The Chaos Dwarves all together.

Chaos Dwarf Captain

Hand Weapon and Shields 

Blunderbuss equipped 

Hobgoblin mob

Hobgoblin Boss

Hand Weapon and Shields 

Bow armed

Once again, what great models, he also has some Musicians and Banner bears and another sculptor did a few wolf riding Hobgoblins as well. Very pleased with these models, I highly recommend them, just wish he would do more models.