
Monday, April 13, 2020

The Mummy's Revenge - A Fistful of Lead Gothic horror game!

So, last Halloween I ran a Halloween game using the Fistful of Lead Gothic Horror Rules which was a blast. (which I forgot to post here, will have to correct that). Well this year I have decided to run another game but basing the game after the Mummy movies. This would allow me to use most of my extensive Pulp collection for the game.

But first I wanted to finish up a few items for the game, I thought I had much more to work on, but it seems that I had already painted or assembled those. But what i did have was three market stalls from Sarissa Precision that I wanted to jazz up.

The Bizarre is open my friend 
 The stalls include two tables per each stall, but I knew I had to add some wares to the tables. The first vendor would be a container or jar merchant, these were just beads that I had from another Pulp project. All I did was use some green stuff to make the lids on a few of the jars/containers. I also added tissue paper with watered down white glue to the roofs to provide some shade to the stall.

The finest of quality jars for you my friend.
 The next stall I wanted was a cloth merchant because I wanted some color on the table. The bolts of material are just green stuff  again rolled or folded into shape.

Very nice material my friend, only the best here!
 The last stall would be a fruit stand, I built the boxes holding the fruit out of plastic card and then green stuff for all the fruit. I was surprised at how easy it was to do, I had been putting it off, but once I got going it was pretty easy.

The most delicious fruit for you my friend!
 I also wanted to add another group to the mix, these will either be for the mummy or against, not sure which. Most of the figure just had clubs, but I did add a few swords and machine guns to them from Bolt Action left overs. I think they came out great and were nice little conversions to do.

For or Against the Mummy
 Last batch were these three, I wanted a few more townsfolk to populate the town with, a dancer, bad guy and another fez dude. I can use them for lots of different types and need to get paint.

Dancer, Bouncer and Professor 
So there you have it, some of the upcoming characters and set pieces for my next game, now lets see what else I need to paint?


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