
Friday, April 17, 2020

A long time in painting...


Came out in 1995
This may not have been the oldest items waiting to get painted, but was definitely took some time. As some know, I was and still am a avid player of the old school Warhammer Quest game. I have pretty much everything you could purchase for the game except the White Dwafs,Journal magazines and Deathblow magazines. I was lucky enough to get the Catacombs of Terror from a buddy a few years ago but it was all the paper products minus the miniatures. A few years ago I was finally able to track down the complete set of miniatures and had high hopes to get them painted.

So since I am stuck at home, I decided to start painting these guys over the weekend. As I posted before in the past about two years ago my brother threw down the challenge to get all of my Warhammer Quest stuff painted, so besides getting old stuff done, this also fits the bill of my brothers challenge. So first up was the main bad guy, the Dread King himself on his throne.

Dread King
 I added a old GW metal floor tile to the model but its pretty stock and straight forward. As much as I dug the old box art I always thought the red yellow scheme felt a bit cartoonish to me, so went with greens for the colors and more metal feel for the throne, I think it works well together. The words on the page of the book was phoned in, I cheated and use Permanent fine tip markers before I washed them. I tried paining them on but my paint was drying to fast on the brush and was not looking right.

Necromancer and assistant with Dread King
I then moved onto the Necromancer and "Igor" assistant to paint. You may notice that the Necromancer is mounted on a round base, I had gotten him before the rest of the miniatures and I was going to use him for Frostgrave as a Necromancer Wizard. So since I am not doing Frostgrave right now, and I already painted up a Necromancer Wizard so I will be putting a square base on him in the next day or so.

Group Shot with Tomb Guard Models
 Next up were the three Tomb Guard models, these guys were pretty easy to paint and I have painted them before when I used to have an Undead Army for Fantasy Battle many many moons ago. All in all very happy to have these figures completed, the sad part is they will go into the box until the next game.

One last project that I did Tuesday was repainting my game table top. I usually do it every few years but have gotten out of the practice of doing it. It was looking pretty beat up and while cleaning my desk area I found the pint of paint I have used in the past. Good thing too as the paint lid had almost rusted closed and the paint was about to harden up. SO I cleared off the table, patched some of the scratchs my cats had put into the table and busted out the roller and repainted it.

Fresh coat of paint on the table.
 And yes that blue paint job on the walls is a camo style that I did for my son years ago before I took over the room. You may also see the Model railroad in the picture, which is getting some love as well, but that will be for another update.

So stay safe, health and more importantly sane!



  1. Good to see you knocking stuff out. How many models left for the challenge from your brother?

  2. Thanks Tom, trying to stay sane during this mess!
