
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Just a few days and a million miles!


Quick update tonight, we have just a few days before Gathering in the Desert 2010. All the hard work of planning, building and painting will come to a head on Friday with the kick off of the March to Mount Doom mini tourney. Saturday the real battle begins at 10:00am and if your interested in coming out to play, we still have room. Or if you want to just come and check it out that's fine as well.

There are a few folks I would like to thank, first up my wife, Shannon. She is the treasurer for GitD and she will be doing all the data entry for the event. It's nice to have my wife helping out, most wives barely tolerate their husbands playing with toy soldiers.

I would like to thank Games Workshop, specifically Ed Spettigue for the continuing help with GitD and for supporting independent tournaments.

Rob Brightwell also gets a big thank you for building and painting a ton of terrain. If you get the chance, ask Rob about the GW trees, he just loves them!

Jerry Auteri gets a big thank you for his art work this year as well as the last three years.

Brent Sinclair also gets a big thanks as well. he is running the Friday night gig and I really appreciate it man!

And a big thank you for all the players traveling out to GitD this year. It means a lot to me that you guys want to come to this event. As well as a big thanks to the local players for supporting GitD.

I plan on taking a ton of pictures and I will try to get them up as fast as I can. So stay tuned for GitD 2010 coverage coming soon. I am also planning on doing a little interview with some of the players for a video that I want to put up here, so we will see how that goes.

On a side note, I just finished an awesome book called "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years" by Donald Miller The book talks about the author having to write his own screenplay about his life and he takes an interesting look at himself and finds that he is not living a very good story.

He (Donald Miller) talks about how we live boring lives (aka stories) that are not very meaningful. He puts his life under a microscope and decides to change his story and start living a more meaningful life.

I highly recommend this book and it has made me look at my life in a different perspective. It makes me want to change my story.


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