
Sunday, January 11, 2009

GitD & Adepticon Terrain weekend


Been busy this past week and this weekend. First up was the painting of 140 counters for the Gathering in the Desert Indy GT. One of the cenarios that we are running requires 7 counters, 6 Rock Counters and 1 Treasure Counter. So I have been working on these for about 2 weeks, which started with 150+ 25mm counters from Gail Force 9, provided by a friend over at Adeptus Windy City (Thanks Jay!). Then add in a bag of aquarium rocks and some Liqutex and a lot of work and you have 140 counters! The chests are from GW with a few others thrown in.
Here is a close up of the Rocks and the chests.

Besides the counters I am also working on a Mordor table using some GW craters as well as some foam rocks. Now I have volunterred to help out with some terrian for the LotR tournament for Adepticon. So I will be shipping these out to Brent & Jamie so they can populate a table. So here are a few WIP shots. First up is the GW craters, you will notice that I have based these on masonite like the rest of my terrain. I did this since the craters are slightly warped and did not sit flush on the table, so I based them. I used my Resin Sand Liquetex around the edges and and the whole thing will get sprayed balck & painted. Here is a couple of shots of the craters.

Here is what the rocks will look like, basicly they are Blue, Pink, or White covered with Liquetex Stuco. I did a few of these a couple years ago for my local shop & just recently did a few for myself, here is what they look like painted up.

Here is an Easterling captain for scale of the rocks.

Here are the work in progress 5 that will be at GitD & Adepticon. You will notice I use all types of foam (Blue, Pink & White) and you may be asking why? Well, there is no reason except that I just grab what I have in a big bin from the garage in no particular order.

So this week the rocks will get coated and hopefully by the end of the week I will have paint on them. So stay tuned...


  1. I've seen the high (or medium) density Pink and Blue, but I've never seen high density White. I've only ever seen the white pebbley crud. Where did you get the White, or who makes it?

  2. The white is a much more dense foam that I have had from a dumbster diving trip. I happened to be at a build site for a comercial building and they had a bunch of high density stuff lying around for doing fake trip on the building. I asked the construction formen if it would be okay to take a few pieces and he let me. When i went back to the site a few days later it was all gone. So I don't know who makes it, but it is just as tough as the pink stuff.

  3. Fancy!

    Tim showing off his skills!

    140 counters? *grin*

    When you get done I got some stuff on my plate I can unload?

    Good luck with the GITD! and See you in April!

  4. Hank,

    If making 140 counters is showing off, then your right! Sad thing is that after our little event, I have to get started on the LotHS stuff for Adepticon! I have a ton of stuff still to paint for that! So I will be showing off...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. *grin*

    Sounds like you need to write scenarios that don't require so many tokens?

    But your up the the task and I like what you got started so far.
