
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Castle Kits, GitD & LotR


Its Wednesday and another update, wow I am doing good, I wonder how long it will last?? Anyhow on to todays update, One of our Sponsers for GitD is Castle Kits run by Iain Martin who offers kits made from Hirst Arts Castlemolds with Hydrostone plaster that is white in color unpainted. He is a fully licensed by Hirst Arts and is an authorized distributor. Well I was put into contact with Iain by Brent Sinclair over on Adeptus Windy City and Iain grasiously donated two kits, one or terrain & the other for a prize.

Well today this box arrived today and one first inspection, I was worried what I might find inside. You see there was one little Fragile sticker on the box & the opening scene from Ace Venture Pet Detective came to mind!

Well thank goodness that was not the case, as I opened up the box it was full of packing peanuts and carefully wrapped cast blocks. Iain did a great job on the packing & from other reviews I have read this is the standard way that things get shipped. I am happy to say after looking at the packets, that there is no broken blocks at all.

Here is a close up of one of the packets, the blocks are seperated by a piece of cardoard so as not to damage the blocks. It must take Iain alot of time packaging these kits up. I will be writing up the kit as I assemble it and will further review these fine kits.

Another Item at GitD is that we will be holding a is a Master-class Auction for 2009. The following Golden Demon painters have all volunteered to donate a Lord of the Rings painted miniature to us so that all proceeds can benefit the Phoenix Children’s Hospital. We’d like to thank; Tim Lison, Jamie Welling and Dave Pauwels. Well I got another package yesterday which was Dave Pauwels figure, Gimli that won a Golden Demon 2005 in Atlanta. Gimli arrived in one piece and will be available for auction at the event.

Another event that we will be having at GitD is the “Red Dragon” painting competition, with the following categories: LotR Single Miniature (25mm base), LotR Large Miniature (40mm or larger base) and LotR Battle Scene (diorama) as well as a terrain building competition. You do not need to be playing in the GT to enter the “Red Dragons”, everyone is welcome. So since I can not play in the tourney, I will enter a few models in the event. Now the store staf will be judging the figures so there is no biased votes towards the organizers. Here are a few options I am thinking about.
I was going to go with an all Gandalf entries by doing a single Gandalf model (25mm), Gandalf in a Cart (40mm or larger) and Gandalf & Saurman dueling it out (Battle Scene). Well I finished the Duel scene, almost and here are the figures and base:
I am struggeling with the base, one one hand I like the flat black base, but then again my buddy Rob thought I should make it glossy. Not just a touch of gloss, but glossy like glass. I am still debating on this.
I have decided to change my 40mm or bigger to one of these figures, a Mordor Troll,
Or the Dark Lord himself, I am thinking the the Dark Lord my win out on this. I like how the the Dark Lord looks and I think I will let you decide, so if you have a vote, leave me a comment.

Thats it for tonight, now to go sort of Blocks...



  1. Hey Tim,

    I'd like to vote for the Mordor Troll as I really like the skin tones. Or maybe because after all the years I'm still a Beastman at heart... :)

    Oh, and good luck with the auctions!


  2. Thanks Chris, The picture is crappy and you can't see the face details on him, and he was a pain to paint! I tried doing the GW way of painting him and decided that was not working, than tried another method, that did not work either. I then just decided to do a base of a infamous color called "Mudstone" with a GW wash on it & ended up liking it.

    So thanks, one vote for the Troll...

  3. I like the both but I think the Dark Lord is better overall. Of course I may change my mind when I see it again!

    BTW, Aleans craft glue works really well for the bricks.

  4. I'd go with the Dark Lord...I'll let you know for sure on Monday when I see them.

