
Thursday, February 01, 2024



Follow up to the last post, I was chatting with a buddy about this because GW has re released the Old World and people are diving back into Warhammer. I was explaining to my friend that I was feeling the urge to start a new long project and not wanting it to be a GW project per say. I am already starting to feel duped by GW with Legions, seems that GW is really a book club now...LOL

So back to this, after chatting my buddy really helped me zero in on what I was feeling. I wanted to play a good older game, possibly host an event and try to build up a community of players for the game. I have been fascinated how some games like Mordheim, Inquistor and some others have lived on. Heck there have been some awesome events in the past few years for these wonderful old games.

Our talk turned to Blood Bowl, we had a local BB event called Grumble Bowl that was held here in Phoenix but it hasn't happened for a few years. So we thought why not jump in and host the event again, so I reached out the organizer to ask, but it seems that he will be back in the valley in the Fall to run the event again. So scratch that idea, I had thought of doing another BB event, but I dont want to step on anyone's toes.  

So my buddy asked what is it that you are really wanting to do, run an event, or build a community, I responded I wanted to play some fun games. He then said what about Legends of the High Seas? You wrote it and love the game. I told him I would, but its hard to get new players into a game that they could not readily get or the cost is too high for the books on the secondary market. But he said, if people want to play, they will buy in and get the rules.

With that thought, I figured, he has a point, LotHS is now a classic old game, I mean it is now 16 years old! I do love the game I wrote and enjoy the pirate action. I have also been watching Black Sails so that is fueling some of the interest in Pirates again. And strangely, my Sirus channel that I have been listening to is Hans Zimmer, who did the original sound track...Hmmm Oh and a few months back, I bought the Blood & Plunder two player box set, not to play that, but to use the figures and ships for LotHS. So really, I knew sub consciously I wanted to get back into LotHS. 

So what does this mean, well it means at least for know, I will be working on pirates and doing some writing for LotHS, I always planned on expanding the crews and doing an event for the game. But it seems that I am back, playing a great game and feel inspired to create more for the awesome game that I wrote all those years ago.



  1. Nothing wrong with taking a trip down memory lane and diving back into a game or period you enjoy!

  2. Whooo! The cycle completes! The seasons have turned.
    I'm looking forward to seeing what comes of your oldest/latest plans.

  3. Very cool. I keep hoping to find an affordable copy. I look forward to seeing this project develop.
