
Monday, December 11, 2023

The First models...

 So, last post you saw that I took the dive back into Epic...I mean Legions Imperious, well this past weekend I started working on a few models. Now I had seen folks in the hobby community complaining about how tiny these guys are, but to be honest, compared to the previous Epic models, these guys are huge! 

Size comparison from GW 

So I figured I would start off  with the Space Marines, I think I will be doing either Blood Angels or I may do Night Lords, I still have not decided yet. But I started with the predators.

Three Predators

Now, I will add to the drama, these models took about an hour to assemble which I thought I was assembling a much bigger model kit. These models are are just shrunken down versions of the large kits. The hardest part was making sure the parts didn't fly off the sprue when cutting them off. Once completed, these are beautiful models and look awesome!

2 sciaran tanks

Then I went on to build these two Sciaran tanks, these went a little faster to assemble and once again, beautiful models once put together. 

So now I need to decide on which faction I want, do I want Loyalist or Renegades? Really it comes down to paint either Red or Blue...


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