
Friday, November 10, 2023

Mordheim Project begins

So as I mentioned last post, I have been thinking about what new project to start as well as thinking what interests me in gaming. Over the last 6 months I have been on a bit of soul searching for my gaming mojo to return. Nothing like Moving your house of 23 years to make you really think about why we have so much stuff and why am I not playing with it more. 

In my soul searching, I was trying to identify what made me happy with my gaming. Now most of the games I played and collections I built I enjoyed very much and enjoyed the games I played with them. But the reality was I was not having as much fun with the one games like I once did. What I found was that I was craving more campaign style of games in which I really love. Most games I played were just one or two off games with no really reason to them except to play, once again was fun, but I felt like something was truly missing.

About this time of soul searching and packing for the move, I ran across my old AD&D stuff. I thumbed through it and started looking at the notes from when I ran games and was looking at the character sheets. I started to recall the games and even after all this time, I felt the thrill of excitement of running and playing in those games. 

Now I was not ready to ditch everything and go back to role playing, but then I ran across my notes from when I was writing Legends of the High Seas and my Mordheim book was there as well. I started going over those notes then picked up the Mordheim book and started going thru that. Then as I read thru the book, I started to recall the fun I had with the game, heck LotHS used lots from that book. And then it hit me, why am I not playing LotHS or Mordheim? They are both great games, lots of people played the games, and there seems to be a growing Mordheim resurgence happening. 

So I figured, why don't I start working on trying to build a small community here in Phoenix for it, my plan is to build up a few warbands, build a nice looking set of terrain for it and just get back to some cool campaign games with a few folks. I won't lie, I have seen some folks run a Mordheim themed weekend in Texas and would love to do something similar here, or go to an event.

So, with a new mindset and a new project, I went looking for miniatures in my collection, and remembered I had a few extra Mordheim Warbands I got from a friend as well as a Skaven band printed for me my another friend. One thing I was thinking of though would be how hard would it be for someone new to get into the game. The rules can be printed for free, but what to do about figures? Well there are lots of options, 3D print files, Reaper Minis, GW minis, other peoples Minis, but then I saw two boxes of Frostgrave troops I bought in my stack of shame. So I built a Reikland warband using nothing but Minis from the box set and a couple of the Metal Frostgrave models.
Reikland Warband using Frostgrave minis

My Captain with Heavy armor, shield and sword, dagger 125pts
Champion #1 metal Knight with bigger sword, Light armor, Double handed Sword, dagger, helmet 80pts
Champion #2 Light armor, Sword and dagger 65pts
Marksman #1 Long Bow and Dagger 40pts
Marksman #2 long bow, dagger 40
Marksman #3 Crossbow and dagger 50pts
Two young Bloods, one Sword, dagger and Buckler, while the other has Axe, dagger & buckler 55pts
Grizzled Warrior, sword and shield 40 pts

So total for the warband is 485 points which is a great place to start. I have a box of Cultist coming from Frostgrave and will be looking at doing a Chaos Cult warband, so stay tuned!



  1. If you paint it, they will come. Good plan on luring in local gamers to the game of your choice. I look forward to seeing your warbands develop. Do you think you will use classic mordheim rules, or some of the updated stuff designed to address known/perceived problems?

  2. As for right now, just using the classic rules, its been well almost 20 years since I last played it, I have totally forgot about any issues the rules had...LOL But will be looking to address those once we get the game back on the table @daveB

  3. I think the issues were largely: armour isn't worth it, skaven start with 1 extra hero slot, slings double firing is too powerful, crits don't do much [except make armour even more worthless], dual hand weapons is better than any other option.

    There was coreheim which I looked at and then I think it evolved into something else. I did like the idea that most models had 3 wounds, so a bit more sticking around and now crits mattered. Armour costs were dropped (and maybe the saves adjusted somehow). I think dual wield now had a -1 to hit [which was proposed on the specialist forums a long time ago].
