
Friday, December 30, 2022

2022 End of Year Review


Its been an interesting year to say the least, well its actually been a few years now really. So what did I get done this year

In a Galaxy not so far away...

Well I did a lot of painting for a Galactic Heroes game which will use lots of Skullforge Studios 3d printed models for a Star wars themed game. I have well over 120+ figures painted and assembled and now slowly working on terrain for the game. I had a blast painting away Stormtroopers, Jedi's and other folks from the classic movies. I am planning on running the game close to May 4, which is un officially Star Wars Day.

Salty old sea dogs.... 

So after watching Pirates of the Caribbean on TV one day, I got the bug to bust a few Black Scorpion minis I had in the pile of lead and get some paint on them. I painted up a pretty large amount of pirates and had the idea hosting a Legends of the High Seas game soon, once again working on some terrain for the game and look forward to getting it on the table in Feb of 23.

The Cursed City....

So I went down memory lane and busted out a few Mordheim figures to paint, honestly these were going to be used for some Gothic Horror games, but I kept thinking about putting Mordheim back on the table. Once again now I am working on some classic Mordheim card buildings and want to get this on the table in the new year.

On the game rules front i expanded my Wiely Games collection with a few sets of rules, picking up the Fantasy Rules, the new version of Galactic Hero's book, Wasteland Warriors and the Battle Suit Alpfa: I want to get these games in rotation in the following year.

Games Played...Well....

So I think I only got in 5 games this year, one Galactic hero's test game, Battle Suit test game, two Gaslands games and one FoW game. I was asked why so few games, honestly I was just not feeling like playing. This year I struggled with the idea of leaving the hobby all together and taking a break. Even had ideas to gut my game room and turn it into a Tiki bar themed room!

I cant really point to why this feeling came over me to not play, its not like I was afraid to go out, but the drive just wasn't there. Too keep my interest going, I think thats why I kept painting as I still enjoyed that. I think it was stress from work, dealing with upset customers and having to work many Saturdays also killed the mood to play. 

Blog updates...

Well I am proud to have almost 20 blog posts for this year, once again the whole reason for the blog is to document my hobbies and keep people posted on whats going on, as most blogs, people fall off the posting wagon, I have done that before but I like posting what is going on. So hopefully I can continue to post and show off what I am working on.

Thoughts for 2023...

Well I want to get more games on the table, most recently a few of us are looking at Lord of the Rings again, so I want to get back to middle earth again. I also got my Team Yankee Collection going again, going to stick with US and Russians, and look forward to getting that out on the table.

Also looking at getting in games of Wiley Games stuff, which will be group games as the rules work perfectly for that. And of course any other games that come up, the important thing is I want to play more then 5 games for the year! I am also looking at maybe making a trip to Kansas in March for the March to Victory event that Wiley Games is hosting, so we shall see.

Overall I want to stay connected to game friends and get more games on the table and enjoy myself again. I think 2022 was a nice break, but I am excited to playing again. So there you go, plans for the new year and a brief recap of what went on in 2022.

Stay safe and Happy New Year Folks!



  1. It's good to see regular posts from you after the drought of 2021. Pirates and Mordheim and Lord of the Rings all look and sound wonderful. Hopefully your games hopes are realized this coming year.

  2. You accomplished a lot on the painting front, that's for sure! Hope we can get some games in during the year ahead.
