
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Games?, what games!


Its been almost a month now of no work on anything game related, no games have been played and no urge to work on anything. It seems that the Covid Lockdown is playing havoc with my gaming interest. I know I am not alone  with this as some of my friends are feeling the same way. And just last week, someone at our local store came down with it causing the store to shut down and clean and get everyone tested.

I wonder if this is going to have a longer lasting effect on me as well as others. I have switched to doing Model Railroading to keep me busy as there is nothing new out there that I am reall excited about. I have not given up on gaming, just put it on the back burner for now.

For some, this is going to be a game breaker, I am sure of it. For others its a chance to catch up on their painting and assembly. I have been painting most of the time during lock down, I closed my Commission painting service to focus on painting my own stuff. But even now I am bored with that and it seems pointless to keep painting for something that may not ever come back.

Sorry if this sounds so negative, but its depression that is kicking in and I just need to vent about it here. I have not crossed the path yet of selling my stuff off, just have no real interest in it right now. Although at Christmas I got the awesome Ghost of Tushima and that is making me look at Samurai scenery and models.

But the reality is why buy and work on stuff for a game that I may never get to play on the table, I already have it virtually so I should be content with that.

So to all of you out there feeling the same way, I get it, I really do get it. Try to focus on another part of the hobby or look at something else that you can enjoy solo. Now maybe I need to get off my butt and get to designing my Tiki Bar for the backyard during the lockdown.


1 comment:

  1. Play Rangers of Shadow Deep! Great solo rules, and lots of extra content. Then you can play Frostgrave Dark Alchemy and then Perilous Dark. And it seems you can even solo Frostgrave Red King. No, not the same, but great rules all around and it motivates you for terrain and figures.
