
Thursday, December 31, 2020

2020 in Review or lets get this year over with already!


Its that time again for the end of year review, you can see the original post here. So lets see how we did: 

Kill Team – Well this was a success as I got my GSC cult finished, we played a bunch of games and had a good time with it. Necromunda also crept into the mix this year which once we started playing that Kill Team was left behind. Drunken Samurai and I struggle with using either Kill Team or Necromunda for I-munda, we still have not decided which is a better system to use! LOL

FoW – Well I started a Mid War Russian Tank army, got it painted up and played a few games. Then I switched to a Mod war German force and built and painted up a whole new force for that, got in more games with that. Then Drunken and I took the leap into Team Yankee, I took Russians and he took USA, split the starter box and played one game. Part of the reason for the stall was waiting for BF to get the new rules and expansion pack out for the Russians, I was able to get the new Russian cards, but that was about all I did with it.

Gaslands – Wow, Mike and I had huge plans for Gaslands, then Covid hit and squashed all those plans. I built cars (now have about 50!) and built a nice Canyon to race in, but as the Covid kept getting worse, the games became less. I think I got only one game in after Covid hit. The lack of games is really bumming me out about the game, I still love it, but agter building 50 cars and terrain, I can't do much with it.

Other Games - Well I did work on a few new things that I had not planned, Warlords of Erehwon saw my LotR orcs getting some new units and new/old figures. Played a few games, really like the system and how it plays and hope to get it back on the table.

Worked on Pulp stuff this year for Pulp Alley, got a lot of models painted, got new terrain but no games played. Also worked on stuff for Fistful of Lead, old west, gothic horror but once again could not play anything. I had planned on doing another Halloween game, but the scary monster called Covid stopped that dead.

I also finally decided to put my paint brushes down with Saguaro Painting Service, was a nice run of almost 10 years, but life made me realize that I am not getting any younger and its time I paint up my own toys. So I had one commission sitting completed for about 4 months but due to Covid, I could not get it to the owner locally. Another part was that most of my commission work was historical and Vallejo paints got hard to get and I did not want to try to match paint colors I used for years.

I have been on again off again working on my Model Railroad layout, but back in October a friend gave me his huge collection of locomotives and rolling stock. With this huge gift, I was back into Model Raillroading again and had no excuse to not be working on my stuff. I have found enjoyment working on it and even coaxed a fried, Drunken Samurai back into the hobby (wasn't hard to do). 

Lastly, I had set a goal to be more active with the blog last year I barely got through 13 post for all of 2019, which was a post a month, I wanted to do a better job and with this post it will be 68 for 2020. Part of the reason was I left Twitter and tried to stay focused on doing my own thing. Twitter became a a horrible place with politics creeping in to the tweats, I had to leave it behind. I am still on Fakebook, but trying to limit my time there as well. At least with my blog I can not worry about the negativity and just keep it to my interests.

So all I can say is get the F@$k Out 2020, here is hoping and praying that 2021 gets back to normal!



  1. I feel your pain. I was able to get plenty of minis and terrain done for some pulp gaming. I was able to get a couple of games in with a friend on my on my patio and properly socially distanced. Sadly most of my gaming has been solo using Pulp Alley's rules.

  2. Though many of those goals didn't pan out for 2020, look at the bright side, they are already to go for 2021! It's great to see another with so many of the gaming interests I too have, what a cornucopia! This alone makes it hard to focus on just one! Cheers & here's to a much better year for gamers!

  3. Though many of your goals were waylaid by the pandemic, look at the bright side...they are all ready to go this year! It's great to see another who has so many of the game systems I too enjoy, which in itself makes it nigh impossible to complete all of them. Here's to the New Year & many more excellent blog posts.
