
Friday, October 02, 2020

Warlords of Erehwon


It looks like the last quarter of the year I will be taking another plunge into a new game, this time Warlords of Erehwon by Warlord Games. This is a warband style game for generic fantasy that is based on some of Warlords other games and written by Rick Priestley. Its been out for a while but really never paid much attention to it even though my buddy Mike has been talking about it for a while.

So what caused the shift and purchase of another set of rules? Well this past weekend Robert and I were talking about wanting to play a fantasy game, we both have Age of Sigmar and Lord of the Rings as well as Frostgrave. Each of these games has its own issues, I am not a fan of AoS and the Combo game, LotR is a dead game and even though I love it, not many are playing and Frostgrave seems to be missing something. We both said we just want an old school fantasy wargame. Robert actually mentioned it that we might take a look at these rules as we both love Bolt Action. SO I got a hold of Mike and chatted about it to him about the rules. he loves them and thought that Robert and I would also like it for the simple fact is you use whatever models you want.

New Game on the table!

Now many in our game group are getting burned out with GW and the chase of paper and card, it seems that GW has turned the hobby into collecting the latest rule book or unit cards for most of their games. We are spending tons of money on "stuff" for the games and not even playing them. This is one thing that drew me to WoE is that I could use some of my old collections of models with the game, not a new concept, but something that would break the cycle of chasing the latest book or card!

So after speaking to Mike, I ordered the book from Amazon and waited for it to arrive and let my gaming group know I ordered the book. Well the book arrived and have to say, very pleased with the quality of the book. Its a nice hard back book with 248 page count. its all color and very simple and easy to read with a nice layout to it. 

So how do the rules look, well to be honest, I have not played, but it looks to be a very fun game. Very old school vibe with a very familiar feel to them. Its a nice change to see something that I feel familiar with in a game. Most rules out today require tons of books and are not laid out very well (looking at you Necromunda!) and it seems very simple to find what your looking for in the book. This book and game really do fill a niche that seems to be missing. Too many companies only want you to play their rules and their figure lines, but this seems like a breath of fresh air.

Look like a Gnoll Army for me!

So with that being said, I can now use my LotR armies for this game, but like all new games, I am looking at doing a new force for it. Thanks to Northstar, they have put out a box of Plastic Gnolls that I have been eyeing since Frostgrave came out. It helps that their is an army list for Gnolls and in fact it was inspired by these same models. I have always love the Gnolls ever since I had a few of them from back when I started playing D&D using Grenadier Models. Now I had an excuse to build a war band up of these models, so this weekend I will be taking a trip around the valley to hunt down a few boxes to get started on my new project.

I have to say, I have not been this excited  about a game in a while and am looking forward to start collecting, building and painting this new army/war band, stay tuned for more WoE!



  1. It is a really nice game that you should enjoy very much.
    Don't forget errata and typos if you have a more original edition.

  2. Also,
    Updated lists for points and clarification are at Rick's site
