
Monday, August 03, 2020

Opps, they did it again!


Games Workshop just announced that they are releasing another new box set along with a New hard back rule book for Blood Bowl to be released this year.

New Version of Blood Bowl Already?

So, I have very mixed feelings about this, on one hand, I am glad that GW is supporting one of my all time favorite games, then on the other side I think What the Hell GW???

I started playing BB back with the 2nd edition back in 1988, I loved the game and so did my buddies. I was hooked and have bought each version up until today. This most recent edition came out 4 years ago and they are still releasing teams, but today they officially announced a newer version.

Why does this make me mad? Well that means all the money I have spent on this new game is about to go out the window! All the extra stuff like tactic cards, GW made sleeves, bought teams and extra boards, pretty much went in with both feet. Now there will be a new rule book and from what I am hearing, a new stat added to the game, so that means all the team cards, and rule books are now garbage and I would need to buy more stuff! 

Of late GW has gone to this collector mentality for the last few years, causing a sort of buying frenzy for products and I think GW dosn't mind, it helps with the frenzy and everyone wanting their products. It drives demand and I am sure GW banks on the sales spikes caused by this which helps their bottom line.

Well though for me & my situation, I think I am done feeding the GW cash cow, its time for me to take back my hobby, its not about the fevered buying and collecting, its about the hobby in general and I want to have fun with it. So I will be pumping the brakes and turning my focus to other games and spend that money on things I want and not things I need to get before it sells out!



  1. It happens to most people in the end. They see the light. They see it is just marketing and the bottom line. It has happened with every game, supplement, codex and even figures.
    Chapter approved ring a bell?

  2. That does not mean you and your friends can't continue to play the version of BB you prefer. My group did that for 40K awhile ago. If we buy new figures we create our own version of the rules. Of course we don't do tournaments.

  3. @Khusru true, GW is only looking out for its bottom line, this is not my first time to be bent over by GW and changing things, I left Fantasy back around 5th edition, stopped playing 40K around 6th edition, in fact I have stopped playing many of their games. At least with Blood Bowl I felt that the players had more control, hence the living rule book. But all things must come to a end and it seems so is my love of BB.

    @Syrinx true and we will do that, sad though as I would like to support the local tournament that has started a few years ago. But it is what it is.

  4. I've reached the same point with GW. I just don't want to try to keep up any longer. I'll still play some of their games, but I'm more likely to stick with things "as is" in current versions/editions instead of buying a new edition and all of the other things that now go along with it.

  5. @Tom O, yeah I often wonder why do I continue to fall for it. At this point it's really about spending money on books and cards now, I am sick of that and sick of the "got to get it before it's gone" attitude that GW themselves created. I as in the middle of painting up a new Blood Bowl team, but I just put it away and went back to some Pulp Models I have been wanting to work on.

    I hint that's why I like the Wiely Games ( Fistful of Lead rules) and all his varients, it uses the same core rules with just a few tweaks and I can use whatever models I want. The games are fast and fun and allow lots of creativity on playing games. I am taking back my Hobby and doing hat I want and not what GW wants me to do!
