
Monday, July 20, 2020

They Live...


A buddy of Mine, Mike from Ddgreenskins blog after each Grumble Bowl (local Blood Bowl event) builds a new team and he suggested why not do that myself. I had a couple of choices and a few 2nd teams, but I figured I would give it a go with a team I did not have, Undead.

Whats better then one box, but two of course!
I had one box of Undead for some time, but with the boxes I found that you really need two boxes to be able to cover most options for the team. For example, you can have up to four Ghouls while the box set only has two in it. So two weekends ago I went down to my local shop and picked up another box.
Some nice models in the box
So with the second box acquired, I set out to build the models. Now anyone that knows me understands that I can not have duplicate models in a project, I have to convert the duplicates to give them each there own look. Now I have to say, that these models are a pain in the butt to assemble, the skeletons reminded me of the early days of GW with the torso and legs being glued together on the back bone, well these did as well. Very finicky and a pain to get together, I would not recommend this to a beginner as the first plastic team to assemble. This took me a few hours just to get all the models assembled. I did start altering one of the Ghouls so I would not have a duplicate pose.

Team picture minus paint
 So the second box was for the zombies, skeletons and two other ghouls. So i started with the easy ones, the Ghouls/ Having a large AOS Flesh Eaters army so that means I have a huge amount of extra bits. So I did some arm swaps and head swaps to get three unique looking models.

Some conversion work
 I then tackled the skeletons which many look the same, not alot O could do about it, but their arms are in different poses. The Zombies were a bit more fun, as I cut and reassembled limbs to give each one a different look. In the below picture you can see two of my custom tokens that I use for the game. The Undead comes with a Hand reaching up to be used for rerolls, TDs and turns. You also get a coin for flipping. So I took the had and placed the coin in it, this will be my TD token. Then the other hand I added a single dice to be my re roll counter. The hand all by itself will be the turn token, little things like this make the team.

Tokens and models
 So there you have it, this past weekends work, now onto painting and planning a team display board.


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