
Thursday, March 05, 2020

Stripping, not the pole dance kind.


This week I decided to try my hand at stripping factory paint off of the Hot Wheels I use for Gaslands. Up to the other day I just used 150 grit sandpaper to sand and rough up the stock paint before priming. But my buddy Mike from Da Greenskins Blog turned me onto Citrusstrip.

Magic in a bottle!
 Mike had found out about this magic in bottle from the interwebs and was highly recommended for stripping paint from metal (important point here) models. Do not, repeat do not try stripping plastic models, it eats into the plastic and in some cases will turn said plastic into a glob of melted plastic (may be good for Nurgle players!)

So since I will be doing a demo on weathering cars at the AZ Game Fair later this month, I decided to choose a model to strip. The lucky truck below was chosen and after I disassembled the truck, into the stripping fluid it went.

Lucky truck for stripping!
I placed the truck in the Citrustrip overnight and the next day I could tell the paint was coming off. I carefully used a toothbrush to scrub the body but the paint just came off without much scrubbing. I rinsed the body off (out side into my rocks) and this is what I had below.

perfectly stripped
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After I rinsed the body down, I took it inside and washed it down with warm soap and water to remove any residue that may have been left on the body. I then used a Krylon Camo beige for the car as the weathering effects I will use will show up nicely on the model. I did some basic painting on the bed, grill and rear bumper, but the rest is the beige paint and finally reassembled the truck.

New paint
Looks very clean
Some big wheels you have there!
After putting the truck back together and looking at it, I thought that a flat beige color for a real truck would look awesome, I know the current Rat Rod look is to use flat black, but man, I could see using flat beige and blacked out chrome would look nice on the real thing.

So next up is going to be rust and weathering effects from various manufacturers for the demo class, I will post after the class. But I think I found a new stripping fluid for metal models in the future. Now time to strip more cars!


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