
Friday, March 20, 2020

More Vehicular Carnage


I wanted to make sure I was posting every Monday, but real life and some such virus has caused the world to go into shut down. Well I have been trying to keep busy and here are a few cars that I finished last week.

First up a Aristo Rat car that I added an engine to the front, machine guns to the roof and the mesh inside. I really love this car, so much that you can do it and if you go over to Mikes blog, Da Greenskins, you can see what he did with his.

Modified Aristo Rat
 Next up is another Custom 71 El Camino, aka Jet powered El Camino. This one makes number three for me added to the collection. I still have about four of them to work on! All I did with this one was add the ram to the front, added the machine guns to the hood and added the spike to the wheels. I decided to go with a purple and yellow scheme, reminds me of something you might see the Joker drive around in a Batman comic book.

Joker inspired car!

Both new cars side by side
As I said above, I now have three '71 El Camino's completed out of the seven cars I have. Some folks in the Gaslands community said that perhaps Mattel is onto us with these cars, because you don't need to do much with them. Just add a few parts and your all set.

Three of a kind, sort of!
 The other car that I have is the Bone Shaker, which I have about a dozen cars collected. The latest one that I did I added the rocket tubes to the steel plated roof but kept the stock paint job on it. I find that I always use this car in demos and I am running them as an Idris team. I just love the rat rod look to the car and it has a huge skull on the front!

Perhaps my favorite car made.
 Beside the cars, I also have been wanting to build some tire barricades. I saw another Gaslander use Nerf darts cut up to make tire piles and barricades. Well I tried it last week when one of my cats found a dart under the couch. So I cut up about four darts and glued them together. I had hoped that I would not need to base them, but they were just to flexible for my taste. But for using some Nerf darts, they came out very nicely.

Tire Barricades

Closer look.
So there you go, sorry for the late update, will try to keep up with post during this "interesting" time we are all in.So stay safe people and hobby on!


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