
Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Battle for the Western Woods


Robert and I got in a game of Flames of War on Sunday. We play Mid War and did a Eastern front game with me taking 100 points of Germans vs his 100 Points of Russians.

The Battlefield
 I had choose to be the Defender in Counter Attack and per the scenario I had Ambush and immediate reserves. First off the Reserve rules are funky, I could only take up to 60% of my force or 60 points. problem was it meant that I would have six tanks on the board to face off against Roberts force. I deployed to the left protecting a objective in the woods. The company commander and 2IC took up in the woods with two Panzer IV's while the 4 Panzer III were deployed in the wheat field.

Panzer III's hiding in the Fields of gold.
 Robert tried a different tactic, he rushed across the open ground to get right up in my face! 10 T-34's tried crossing the river and all but four made it across.

Crazy Russians crossing the river!
 If I remember five tanks fell victim to the German guns and the Russians were only able to knock out on German tank.

First Blood Germans.
 The remainder of the Russian tanks swarmed the company commander and he was killed in the volley leaving the objective open woods.

German commander falls

I shifted the panzer III's to counter, meanwhile the Russians sent two KV-1s toward the center objective. But the following turn my reserves showed up in the form of a lone 88 gun. It took a turn to get it in place and when it fired it killed on of the KV's

Germans barely holding on!
next few turns were close shooting in the woods and the Germans knocked out the remainder tanks there, the 88 opened up on the KV killing it outright.

Was a very close game this time and if the KVs had not went for the center objective and pushed towards the objective in the wood, the Germans would have lost the battle as the two Panzer III's could not hurt them and their high armor. Was a great game and was very interesting to see it play out.


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