
Wednesday, January 08, 2020

GSC for Kill Team


To start the new year off I thought I should work on the Genestealer Cultist for Kill Team. As I mentioned before I thought I had used my GSC stuff for Kill Team, but going back and thinking about it, I used them for Necromunda and not Kill Team. Now I had used a few of Roberts GSC figs when we first started messing around with Kill Team. below is a group shot of the figures I

GSC for Necromunda I painted a few years ago.
I knew that I had a few extra GSC figures, so I went and pulled them all out, what I found was more then enough to do a Kill Team with. So I got to assembling them last night and below is a shot of what got assembled.

Last nights assembly progress.
 Nice thing is i had an unopened box of GSC that I could use to add all the special weapons for the team. Also I decided that I would base all the models on the Necromunda bases as well. When I did my Necro GSC stuff, the bases were hard to get outside of each gang, now GW has released them to purchase separately. So first up the Heavies, which include the Mining drill, Seismic Drill and good old Heavy Stubber.

The heavies!
 Next followed the Hybrids, I still have three more to base, I ran out of the Necro bases.

 Following them came two Abhearentss that I had left, these are the heavy hitters in close combat.

 I then moved onto the Cult leader and second in command, I then saw that the GSC can have their cult icon in Kill Team, so I put him together as well.

Cult leadership team, would you like to know more???
 next up were the cultist themselves , the box set comes with a bunch of cool shotguns, so I put together three of them.

Shotguns, come get some!
 Followed by three GSC members with Autoguns.

Plain old Autoguns.
 Lastly I add three special weapons, Grenade launcher, Flamer and Web rifle.

Blue Light Specials!
 So after all the assembly was complete, I was looking at about 60 models in the GSC which is more than enough for either Necromunda or Kill Team. Oh and not pictured are the three Pure Strain Genestealers that of course started the whole thing.

The whole cult!
There you go, a good start to a new Kill team, I plan to re base the painted models to use the Necro bases, so I need to pick those up and also need to pick up the GSC Kill Team box that my store has. Sad that all the Kill Team box sets are now out of production, I really love have the command cards and tokens for each Kill Team. Well next up is painting, so until then!



  1. This infestation is much worse than we knew. I may need to call in some reinforcements.

  2. Lol, it sure is, even surprised me!
