
Thursday, January 30, 2020

GSC Emerges!


Last weekend got in a couple of games of Kill Team with my Genestealer Cultists against Tom O’s Grey Knights and Robert’s Ad Mech. So, for the past few months Robert and I have been playing Kill Team with his Orks vs my Death Watch and out of the 12 games, the Orks only got one victory. We talked about it and decided that for the new year we would do new Kill Teams. Robert starting his Ad Mech and I started a Genesteal Cult.

Robert and I devised a Campaign and will be doing some narrative games using the rules. The basic concept is that the Ad Mech have a bug problem on their world and need to exterminate them. We will be sort of using this as and I-munda setting and just roll with a story line that we create. If other folks want to jump in, then fine, that will just make the story more interesting. We are all about the story and less about the points.

So to shake the dust off we got together to play a few games. Tom O came out and brought a 6 man Grey Knight team against my GSC, needless to say, I got shot up trying to cross the board. I allowed Tom to stay dug in and I tried to match fire power and charging against the Grey Knights. GSC is all about using terrain and making the enemy come to you, not charging across open terrain to try to get into contact with them! Lesson learned!

My second game was against Robs Ad mech in the Purge scenario, which is a GSC cult scenario out of the 2019 Annual. The scenario so me having to exit off the board via two spots on the board, or at least get within 2” of the exit point.Terrain was pretty good, but the Ad mech took up great spots to keep me from exiting, I tried to swarm one objective, but my dice decided to turn against me, I was rolling horribly and cultist started to drop. I made it to turn four before the cultist were broken. At one point my Leader went to charge an Ad Mech member, Robert took a shot needing a six, got it, I failed my save and he rolled on the Injury table, getting a six again taking my leader out of action! So, the GSC lost as we became broken once the leader went down with the lucky shot!

All in all both games were fun and have made me re think how I should play the GSC. Robert and I were talking about this and the GSC is all about ambushing lone models and using their strength in numbers to over power their opponent. Trying to engage in a fire fight or charging open ground will not work as well in Kill Team. I do enjoy discovering new tactics to use with this new team and look forward to many more games with the GSC!


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