
Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Mars is a Lie!

Mars is a Lie!

So, a few months or so ago the Gaslands Refueled book was gifted to me from my buddy Robert. Basically, the rules had the errata and extra stuff from Time extended added to it. It was awesome to get the gift as I had the original book and could always print off the extra stuff.  

Well, another buddy, Mike W of Dagreenskins blog took an interest in the game as well. I met up with him and ran him through a game to show him all the gasoline glory that is Gaslands. He was hooked. He bought the book and went out buying cars like crazy.

With Mike taking an interest, it has filled up my tank for Gaslands as well. (Always good to have someone to play games against). So I just went out and bought about a dozen cars, which I really did not need and am planning on building a board for it. I have also joined a local AZ Gaslands FB group and Mike and I are planning on doing a Car Swap meet day at our local shop where other Gasland folks can meet up, talk shop, swap cars and play a few games.

One interesting thing that I have noticed with Gaslands is the fact everyone that gets involved goes nuts in buying Hot Wheel cars and who could blame them, at .99 cents a car its not bad spending $10.00 for a bunch of cars compared to other companies’ models. I know for myself, it is a touch of nostalgia of being a kid and playing “cars” in the back yard. What kid didn’t do this and “shoot” the other cars?  It also harkens back to building race tracks for those cars and having a great time with them. As a side note, the toy manufacture Mattel has seen an increase of sales from Hot Wheels, I am sure its because us crazy gamers are buying tons at a time!

So it looks like 2020 will see me out in the wasteland racing a few cars for the glory of going to Mars!


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