
Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Road to Adepticon 2015

Road to Adepticon 2015


They say " It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your front door. You step onto the road and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." Well, that is me for next year at Adepticon, somehow I have been talked into running a few more games. But honestly I enjoy helping this great event out. So once again I will be traveling from the Valley of the Sunstroke to head to the Windy City once more.

So what will I be doing next year? Well I have two major things I will be running, one with a good friend and the other on my own. First up is a large multi player game of Legends of the Old West called, Showdown at Tandywine Gulch. The other will be demonstration games of Pulp Alley.

 So the LotOW game Showdown at the Tandywine Gulch is going to be run twice and Merle Delinger and I will be providing everything for the game. That means we will both be contributing at least 10 posses (5 each), so that means Merle and I will be doing some painting. Terrain will be provided by Merle and is mostly all 4Ground old west buildings. I am planning on doing a mine as well as a cemetery. So I will be showing the work here on the models and the terrain for the game, so stay tuned.

 The other game I will be running is Pulp Alley, this is a Pulp adventure game that I wanted to get to Adepticon this year but time ran out. But next year I will have either a multi player demo game using the newest supplement, Vice Alley or I will be doing a scenario from the Perilous Island supplement. I will have some special cards to hand out at the game that you will not be able to get anywhere else. So if you love Indiana Jones, come take a look at the game. Once again I will be showcasing models and terrain here on the blog.

Also while at Adepticon I will be helping out in the Historical room and lending a hand wherever it is needed. So there you go, a look at things to come, I of course will be posting up other projects, so stay tuned.


1 comment:

  1. I just got the "Vice Alley" .pdf and am particularly interested in the "Social Affair" scenario which looks to be very interesting.

    However I must say that I suspect that Bob Murch's "Gangland Justice" line of figures will go flying off the shelf as folks get a good look at "Vice Alley".

    I look forward to seeing what you come up with for terrain pieces and figures for your games.

    -- Jeff
