
Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Happy Pulp Day!


So I forgot to post an idea that I was going to try for the new year, so I thought why not let folks in on it. As I have mentioned in previous posts, I love the Pulp theme/era and I am going to try to do a post once a week about something Pulp related. So that might be thoughts of games played, inspiration ideas, terrain projects, figures painted or whatever my Pulpy brain can think of. So I declare that Wednesdays will now be known here as "Pulpdays". Hopefully folks will enjoy it, I still plan to post about other projects so don't run away in terror just yet.

So to get this Pulpdays started, I have decided that for the next few months I will paint one Pulp figure I own. This should be inspiration for me to get Pulp Alley on the table and it will help with getting my backlog of figures painted. So without further ado here is the first of this crazy project I am about to undertake!

Now as I said in October of last year, my wife purchased six packs of the Pulp Miniatures for my birthday. Since I wanted to paint all of them, I did a very scientific method of picking the first model, I closed my eyes and reached into the box and grabbed the first one. Whichever figure I grabbed would dictate which pact that I would paint up over the next five weeks. Well the winner was pack# PHP14 Rugged Archaeologists!

Pulp Miniature pack PHP 14 Rugged Archaeologists
The lucky figure was the second one from the left, which his name will be Professor Chapman who is named after a friend of mine I used to work with back on the Jungle Cruise at Disneyland. This figure looks like my old friend Chappie and I could see him standing on the dock telling me to "Move it up skip" (a Disneyland term to move our Jungle Boats up to the load position). So here is the finished product!

Professor Chapman
Total paint  time on this figure was about three hours and was very nice and easy to paint. I really like how the figure turned out and had a lot of fun to painting it up. I highly recommend Pulp Miniatures, they have very little flash or mold lines and are very characterful.

So there you go, my first installment of Pulpdays, there will be more to come...



  1. I too got a bunch of Bob Murch's figures . . . including the one you are featuring.

    However I split sets up into some different mixes of figures.

    I must confess however that your paint job is far superior to my own . . . if you don't believe me, take a look:

    So while I will look forward to your "Pulp Wednesdays", please do not limit yourself to posting about pulp on those days only, sir.

    Once again, your painting is very very nice.

    -- Jeff

  2. Jeff,

    Thanks for the kind words and I will be posting more pulp stuff on other days as well, so no worries there.

  3. How does it feel to paint your own models for a change, lol. It looks great and can't wait to see how this project turns during the year.

  4. Very nice paintwork. I like what I see of Pulp Miniatures, and will buy some myself when funds permit.

  5. Very nicely done! Looking forward to more of your Pulp Goodness
