
Thursday, November 07, 2013

A Legends Event!


Tonight my thoughts are on a few things that I have not thought about for a while. No it is nothing super deep or earth shaking, its about a game I wrote a few years back called Legend of the High Seas.

You see, when I wrote LotHS, I was pretty excited about it, but honestly I was pretty much done with the game as soon as it was published. I had spent almost two years writing the game prior to its release and during that time all I did was eat, sleep, play, think, read, watch pirates. So by the time the game came out I was ready to play something else.

Now I had run demos and large group games as well as ran a few campaigns, but about a year after it was out, I was done. I accomplished one of my bucket list items, to publish a book and I was ready to move on to something else. Now I did help my son play the game from time to time but I thought I was past it.

Now back in 2010 or 2011 my friend John over at Plastic Legions talked me into helping run a campaign like event at Adepticon. I was all ready to help, but life got in the way and I could not attend Adepticon. So I had to stay out here in AZ but John did get a few folks to play. Well last year I thought I was going to attend, but once again life threw me a screwball and I had to sit at home.

Now I had always wanted to do a Legends event which would include LotHS on one day and then Legends of the Old West on the other day. There was talk of doing said event, but unfortunately it never really made it past the talking part. So tonight I have been thinking about the Legends event again. Now as everyone knows, Warhammer Historicals is closed and you can not get either set of rules very easily. So getting folks to play a dead set of games is going to be tough.and I quickly dismissed the thought, until about an hour ago when my wife asked me about Adepticon.

You see I just realized this evening that Adepticon is basicly having a Legends event all weekend. Yeah it is not all based around the Legends games, but they are all there. In fact there are quite a few Legends games that are going to be going on in 2014. So lets take a look at what is going to be offered on each day.


Legends of the Old West: Battle at the Little Big Horn (3 different times during the day)

LTC George Armstrong Custer and his 7th Cavalry have braved snow, sleet, rain and 100+ degree heat...all in May! They are hot on the trail of Sitting Bull and his bands of Native Americans. Custer and the 7th Cavalry fully intend to deal with the savages as soon as possible so they can return to Fort Lincoln. Crazy Horse, Gall and Lame White Man all have other ideas for ol' long hair and his troops.

Take charge of some Native American Braves and help put Custer and his troops in their place. Or, take command of some rough and ready US Cav troopers and help re-write history.

Battle at the Little Big Horn will use the Legends of the Old West game system from Warhammer Historical Wargames. All miniatures and materials provided.

Legends of the Old West Tournament (6:30pm - 11:00pm)

There's trouble a brewing in Tandywine Gulch! Word has it a number of tough hombres, rowdy cowpokes, Native American war bands and law dogs are descending on this out of the way little town in Western Kansas. You've got scores to settle. So gather up your best posse and head that way...if you're man enough to take them on!

Please join us for this 4 round tournament using $225 posses. Awards for Quickest Gun (highest battle points), Upstanding Citizen (highest sportsmanship score) and Purdiest Posse (best painted posse) - not to mention braggin' rights!


We, Who Are About to Die: Arena Combat in Ancient Rome
Lucius...Lucius! Have you heard? The Provincial Governor Gaius Suetonius Paulinus has opened the munera. The games are finally here! We can go see the Gladiators fight in the Marcus Sommernus arena!! Bring your sestertii so we can bet on the combats!!!

The year is 59 AD and the Quinquatria Festival, held every April, is in full swing in Camulodunum, Britannia (present day Colchester, England). Camulodunum, being the capital of the Roman Province of Britannia, is holding a spectacular series of games, including gladiatorial combats in the arena.

Put yourself on the floor of the arena and listen to the cheers, or jeers, of the Roman Mob as you fight other gladiators! Will you be the Thracian with your hooked sword and small shield, the Myrmillo, "the fish man", with the gladius short sword and scutum shield or the new "net man", the Retiarius with his net and trident? Fight well and win the favor of the crowd. Fight very well and you may earn your freedom and win the rudis! But whatever you do, be on your guard. Only the Gods know if and when some strange beast might show itself in the arena!

Each player will control a gladiator figure and be provided a bag of coins to place bets!

We, Who Are About to Die: Arena Combat in Ancient Rome will use the Gladiator game system from Warhammer Historical Wargames. All miniatures and materials provided.

Legends of the High Seas - The Sacking of Panama, 1671

  In December 1670 and January 1671, Henry Morgan, one of the most notorious and successful pirates on the Spanish Main, destroyed Fort San Lorenzo and Burned and Sacked the City of Panama. The utter chaos that followed was a payday for Pirate and Pirate Hunters alike. Be one of 10 Privateer, Pirate or Royal Navy Crews that explore the ruins of Fort San Lorenzo and the City of Panama searching for plundered Spanish gold. Bring your Crew comprised of up to 15 men and face off on a 48 Square foot board to capture objectives, eliminate enemy crews and capture as much gold as possible in this 3 Stage, 4 hour event. In the end, only one players name will rival that of Henry Morgan, but they will damn sure know the names of the ones who almost stopped them! Awards for the top two scorers and Best Painted Crew!

Guns of April - The Discovery of the Rosetta Stone (Invite Only)

Dave Taylor and the guys at the Guns of April blog are at it again with a game that uses Legends of the High Seas rules and is all about skirmish battles in the streets of Alexandria, Egypt, in 1800 (or thereabouts). Inspired by a great article by Steve Dake on the Rosetta Stone published in WI294, I've conned Steve into writing even more for us, and worked with him on creating warbands (or "parties") for the turbulent time surrounding the discovery of the Rosetta Stone (and countless other antiquities).


A Day at the Circus: Chariot Racing in Ancient Rome

Friends, Romans, countrymen...lend me your ears! The Provincial Governor Gaius Suetonius Paulinus has decreed the munera are opened. The games are finally here! Make your way now to the Circus Marcus Sommernus, for the chariot races are about to begin!!!

The year is 59 AD and the Quinquatria Festival, held every April, is in full swing in Camulodunum, Britannia (present day Colchester, England). Camulodunum, being the capital of Roman Britannia, is holding a spectacular series of games, including chariot racing in the circus.

What faction's colors will you wear...the Greens, Blues, Whites or Reds? Put yourself in a Roman racing chariot and feel the ground shake beneath you as the horses' hooves thunder down the length of the track. Your heart feels like it will explode from your chest as you sling your chariot team around the central spine of the track!! Push your horses hard and win the race. But mind your speed in the turns. Crashing a chariot is dangerous to your health!

Each player will control a racing chariot team and be provided a bag of coins to place bets!

A Day at the Circus: Chariot Racing in Ancient Rome will use the Gladiator game system from Warhammer Historical Wargames. All miniatures and materials provided.

We, Who Are About to Die: Arena Combat in Ancient Rome 
Another day to show your worth the the crowds! 

So there you go, a ton of Legends games all at one event. This has me pretty happy and excited again about going and helping out with my own game. It has been years since I was this excited about LotHS and in fact I have even pulled out a bunch of Pirate models that need paint. Now, I cant promise anything, but if there is enough interest, I may still try to pull together a Legends event here in the valley of the sunstroke. We shall see what happens.

So if you love the Legends game, than you need to be going to Adepticon 2014!



  1. Wow! Very nice, may be worth a trip to Adepticon perhaps....I hear Bolt Action is on the bill also, that would be sweet to throw dice for Legends of the High Seas, do the tournament and play some Bolt Action!

    Ugh, how do I talk the wife into allowing me to go? Well, the money part actually.

  2. Styx,

    Yes there will be a Bolt Action tournament, in fact I am running It.

    As to how to tell the wife, just say, "Honey, I have to go because I will get to meet the author of LotHS and he is an awesome guy". If that dosn't work, just beg!
