
Sunday, July 07, 2013

Brookhurst Hobbies Haul!


Just got back from our annual 4th of July trip with the Brightwell Family and one of the highlights of the trip (which there were many) was the shopping day that Rob and I did to the War House and Brookhurst Hobbies. Both stores are infamous in the Southern California gaming community and were two stores that I frequented while I lived there. Every time I am in So Cal I try to stop by at least one of these stores.

Now in the past, every time I have had funds and a list of items I was looking for, it never failed that I would not find what I was looking for. Well this trip I decided that I was going to find what I was looking for, using the power of positive thinking. It must have paid off because I found just about everything on my list, so here is what I got on the trip. I found all of this while at Brookhurst Hobbies, unfortunately I could not find anything to spend my money on while at the War House.

The Haul, except for the Kursk book.

First up is this Osprey hard back book, now this was not a find, I am just borrowing it to read from Rob. Since there is plans for a Shifting Sands event for Kursk, this was a must read and is a very good book.

Robs Kursk book on loan to me.
Now the first purchase was this duel book set that I found. Rob recently picked these books up but separately and since I had not seen these here in Phoenix, I picked them up.

A surprise find
 Now, here was the first thing on my list I was looking for, a few Zeveda Panzer II's for my early war list. Now I was only looking for 3 of these kits which I picked up, but on Friday night, Rob and I made a late night run for me to pick up the other two kits. This would give me a full platoon if I ever needed it and at $3.98 a kit, how could I not buy all of them?

Finally my Early War list is legal!
 Next up is two boxes of StuG F8/G from Plastic Soldier Company for the list I am working on for the SS2014 event. I plan on running a StuG list since they were there at Kursk. So I picked up two kits for $30.98 each.

The Beginning of a new army!
 My next find were a set of British Desert decals for the 8th army tank force I am building. It seems that decals are tough to get and find for FoW items. So when I found these, they went into the basket!

Decals, we have decals!
 Next was this lone Honey Stuart, I have a box set of these guys with only 5 vehicles, but now with the 6th one I can run two 3 tanks platoons.

Number 6, we now have two platoons!
 Now I had to dig for these guys, two quad AA guns for my StuG list. Good thing I wrote down the code number, because I had to dig through all of the blisters to find these guys.

Two Quads are better than one!
 This one was another surprise find, a German recovery vehicle which you can only get from mail order. Rob found this and suggested I pick it up, good find Rob.

Mail Order only
 Last thing up is the new P-38 kit that just released. Since I have a Mid War American army for the desert, this will be a perfect fit for the army. Plus I just love this plane and had to have it.

One of the coolest planes of WW2!
So there you go, my little haul from this past week. Now I did see the Dreadball game and all the teams as well as more Call to Arms Star Trek stuff, but I can get those at my local store. All in all I did pretty good and the power of positive thinking paid off. So stay tuned for some building updates...



  1. Isn't it great when you can get everything you're looking for? That's a nice haul of stuff, now to put it together and paint it!

  2. Very cool haul. I'm heading out that way in September maybe I will swing by and pick some stuff up.
