
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Desert Rides


A quick update tonight since I am doing this during commercials while watching the Walking Dead, I finished up these Plastic Soldier Company 251c about a week ago. These are for my DAK mid war list and so far they have done very well in the last three games of FoW.


Next up will be my next two installments of the Bolt Action paint challenge, so stay tuned...



  1. Very nice work Tim.

    I'd love to see some BattleReps of these guys in action...

  2. @ Drunken - Thanks man!

    @ Scott - Thanks man, well Drunken does have a brief write up on his blog for the North Africa campaign we are doing. The key is to know when to disembark and when to get back in. Funny, Drunken and I talk about your issues with these, so far we have not seen the problems you are having. It might be we are doing Mid War Desert stuff, I can see these transports would be toast in late War!

  3. The difficulties I have had are manifold...

    Although they are 'armoured' they are pretty light skinned, so any kind of AT can kill them rediculously easily, and with teams onboard they're freqently dead (passenger save on a 5+).

    Being open topped armoured, any ranged in artillery or air can likewise easily spoil their day!

    So trying to decide when to actually dare putting your troops in them to move across the battlefield can be a real concern, especially if an enemy has an ambush lurking...

    Mounted assault sounds good, but this has often gone pear shaped for me too... As they are thrown back by def fire, from 5 hits and/or 2 effective hits (bailed / killed)

    I have found them useful in a mounted assault taking on small isolated platoons or platoons that are strung out and I can hit an end and work my way along...

    When defending, you would think they would be good to add defensive fire against an infantry assault, but their presence often means you lose the Gone to ground your infantry teams are enjoying, So the shooter can see the half track for an easier shot, yet prioritizes the infantry teams... so the half track actual becomes a liability!

    They are a great looking force, and in theory dynamic, aggressive, and with an ability to hold ground, I just have a hell of a time achieving any of this on a regular basis!

    Your mileage may vary!

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