
Monday, June 11, 2012

EotD on the Table!


I was finally able to get Empire of the Dead onto the table today for a few friends that are very interested in the game since my last two posts. Anyhow I  figured it was a perfect day to have a few friends over and what a better time than to play EotD, plus I need to get the hang of the game since I will be running Demos in a few weeks at my local store.

So armed with the rulebook (sent to me free from the fine folks at West Wind for doing demos) and my huge collection of West Wind Miniatures (That I purchased on my own before EotD came out) and my huge terrain collection, I set up to do some demoing of the game.

I set up two small factions of about 95 points average each  (that is 4 models a side). I choose the Lycaon faction (Werewolves) and the Nosferatu Faction (Vampires). I choose to play the Fracas scenario and did a generic woods table with a ruin in the middle.

The Lycaon faction had a Beastlord, two Wolves and one Wolfskin armed with a wooden stake and two Handed Weapon. The Nosferatu had a Graf with a sword, Consort with two knives and a Bat Swarm. Oh, by the way, I did not take pictures of the first game, the pictures are from Mike & I's game.

Well in the first game, Jerry choose the Vamps and I took the Wolves. The Vamps beat the doggies back and got a win. Game two was with Mike and he took the doggies and I took the blood suckers, which the blood suckers won the game.

 The game took about 45 minutes or so and that was with us looking up some of the rules. Once again, if you are familiar with EotD predecessors (Mordheim, Necromunda, Legends and LotR) you will pick up the game rather quickly, both Jerry and Mike got it real quick.

So with the first demo games under my belt, now I just need to get to painting my figures. The good news is that three of my friends (Mike, Jerry and Rob who just watched) are interested in the game. So stay tuned folks, there is more EotD on the horizon!



  1. It was an excellent game. I'm excited to start building my own band of Vampires. The system is very easy to get, and I liked the way it worked.

  2. Thanks for report and heads up on this new game, looks likely to be in my 'soon to be purchased' list.

  3. This was a fun game to play and has some gaming mechanics that I have not seen in a game yet. I still want to get a few more games in before building an army. I want to have my zombie mob one the table.
