
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Pulp Time!


For a long time I have been interested in doing some Pulp gaming and have been acquiring Pulp figures for a few years now. My particular interest has been to do some Egyptian gaming, or more to the point, some sort of game using Mummy's!

Well thanks to my good buddy Jerry of Jerry's Big Picture and a discussion we had last week I have started planning on doing a few games. Well our discussion lead to me coming up with a basic storyline and what characters I would develop for the game.

Next up would be the rules, this is something I have been wrestling with for years (see my other blog The Pulp Project ). Well I have decided that I am going to adapt the Lord of the Rings rules for a set of rules. The LotR rules or the Legends rules have enough variety that I am looking for and I am most familiar with.

So anyway, here are a few pictures of some of the figures that I will be using in the game. I of course will post up here as I work out d=some of the story arc and rules. But without further ado here are the figs (which are a mix of Artizan, Copplestone, West Wind, Blue Moon and a a couple of old Ral Partha figures).

So stay tuned Pulp adventures, there is more to come...



  1. The figures look fantastic! I'm really glad you've committed to this project. I think it's going to be great.

  2. Thanks Jerry, by the way we need to get together to work out a few rules, plus I found a very interesting figure to use in the game that I did not take pics of, I think you are going to like it!

  3. The reason I followed your blog in the first place was for the pulp figures. Been a bit disappointed lately it's not featured so much - glad to know that's about to change!

  4. Great stuff! Looking forward to seeing more.


  6. Thats great work, very atmospheric, impressive models, well painted [I like the belly dancer harem girl ;-)], nice backdrops too. Its another 'period' I was considering, and had wondered about using Chaos in Cairo, or Strange Aeons or a bit of both, perhaps also Gaslight. Be interesting to see what stats you come up with for a LOTR variety...

  7. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Tim, the figures look great!

    However, what I don't understand is "what is pulp gaming?" Can someone fill me in on what the "pulp" mean when it refers to gaming. Preferably answers in 50 word or less would be preferred :)

  8. Brent,

    Pulp is set in the 1930's - 1940's. Think Indiana Jones and you have pulp.

  9. Ah, the endless debate about what is 'Pulp' and what is not! Because the definition as two facets.
    A genre, a type of adventures *originally* set in the 1920-1930 (Indiana Jones indeed, the Mummy...); also the timeframe of the 'fundamentalist' [faithful to the letter rather than to the *spirit* of the Texts].
    But exactly the same type of adventures can be played in other periods, the 18th C. e.g. 'Purists' deny such games any right to be called 'Pulp', yet the name is extremely convenient to describe their *nature*.

    A great mix of appealing minis! I guess the two Ral Partha are the two girls in light blue on the first pic?
