
Monday, August 08, 2011

So it begins..again!

So loyal fans, it starts again, that's right, the gearing up for Gathering in the Desert 2012. So with that means you will be seeing a lot of work here at Cursed Treasures about building terrain for the event.

Now as some know, this will be the 5th year in a row that GitD 2012 has been going on. For those that do not know what Gathering in the Desert (GitD) is, let me explain. GitD is a Independent Grand Tournament for Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game (Feb 17 -19th, 2012). It all start when I was frustrated at the lack of good local LotR tournaments here in the Valley of the Sun, so I organized my own.

So around this time every year I start turning my attention towards the next event, and this includes what terrain will I have at said event. To start things off, I place an order with Games Workshop for terrain. Below you will see this years haul of GW product that will morph into Middle Earth.

Now over the years I have accumulated quite a bit of terrain (which the wife always wants to know where it will go in the house!) for the event. This year there are a few large items that I ordered, below you will see one Realm of Battle board, with two extra panels (making it a 8'x4' board or two 4x4 boards). The new Sorcery tower along with two ruined towers, three sets of GW "Creapy Trees" and 5 bags of the GW jungle trees.

The plane is to paint the RoB boards in a desert color to represent Harad and use some of the trees for that. The other creepy trees will be pressed into service on other existing boards and so will the towers. I am thinking I might be able to turn the Sorcery tower into something less WHFB looking and give it more of a LotR feel.

But wait a minute, some of you might have spotted some very 40K terrain sections on the right of the RoB board. And you may be asking how are these going to be used for LotR? Well fear not folks, the 40K terrain is going to be used for...wait for it...40K! Whhhhaaaatttt!!!!

You see this year GitD will be expanding it's boarders a bit and GitD will be hosting a small Combat Patrol 40K event the first weekend of March (the 3rd to be exact). Which is two weeks after GitD. So it is time to start building some 40K terrain for this new venture, so once again you will be seeing some progress reports here at Cursed Treasures. So below there is a Fortress of Redemption, a Imperial Bastion kit (which has two kits!). Two Imperial statues, 3 bags of 40K accessories, two boxes of the wrecked rhinos and one crashed Imperial shuttle.

But wait a minute, why are we doing this? Well it is quite simple really, I am frustrated at the local 40K events here in Phoenix. I am looking at bringing everything I know about running events to the 40K side here in the valley. So that means cool and well built terrain, smooth running event, and for folks to have a good time.

So stay tuned for more information concerning both events as well as progress on all this terrain!



  1. That is a lot of stuff. You run the best event in town and I am sure the Combat Patrol will be a great event. Just let me know when you want to get started on the new additions and I will help.

  2. Mike,

    What are you doing Sunday man, I think it will be a building terrain day!

    And yeah man, it is a ton of stuff!!!

  3. Hey Tim, I am looking to update the Combat Patrol website 'Patrol Clash' which has been neglected for several years now. I have Che Webster (Ex Club Guy from GW) over here producing stuff for it. Would you like to get your tournament featured on it? I would love to get some cool forces on the site next spring.

  4. Timmy,

    Been meaning to contact you about Combat Patrol stuff, shoot me a private e-mail mate, lets do this...
