
Friday, June 24, 2011

June LotR Update


Where has June gone?? It seems that I am the last one again to try to get my next installment up for our little contest. Well I thought I could sneak in some painted stuff already done, but I have been warned that I will be ridiculed beyond belief. So I dove into my LotR box for my additions.

So first up is 50 points of archers, that means 10 goblin bowmen & Yes Jerry, I will be able to Volley fire on your precious elves! So here are the boys in bare metal.

Next up I needed a heavy hitter, so time to bust out a Cave Troll, yes, he has a cave troll! I have two models one with hammer and this one with spear, so I choose the spear armed model and that means he is 81 points.

Now one more addition was to add a Shaman to the force, but they only problem is he was already painted. So this is the only painted model that will be introduced into the army. I did add more highlights to the figure so I did put some paint on him.

So here is the motley crew in all of their glory, now to get them painted before the end of the month.


  1. I must be color blind. All I am seeing is black, silver and gray. I can't believe you were going to sneak models in that have already been painted. What happened to banking the points and doing the dragon?

  2. Mike,

    I posted this picture to show some folks (you) that I am not cheating! I still have a few days left and I plan to have these guys ready by July 1st.

    As for the Dragon, I still can bank the points, but heck, none of you have any heavy hitters now, so I think the troll will work out for now.
