
Monday, March 08, 2010

Red Dragon Painting Competition

Well, for the second year at Gathering in the Desert, we have ran the Red Dragon Painting Competition. This event showcases some of the outstanding painting that shows up in the armies at GitD. This is a free event for folks that are attending GitD and only cost $5.00 to enter if your not playing in the event.

This year we added a new category bringing the total categories up to four this year. The only stipulations for the event, is that it needs to be a Lord of the Rings figure and must not be part of your army (since the model will sit in the cabinet all weekend).

The Four categories are, Best Single miniature (25mm base), Best Cavalry miniature (40mm base), Best Large Miniature (40mm or larger) and Best Battle Scene (Diorama base). So here are the entrants for this year:

Best Single Miniature (25mm Base)

Brent Sinclair - Muhad King
Robert Brightwell - Gandalf the Grey

John Petrelli - Radagast the Brown

Tim McKnight - Aragorn/Strider
Dean Vukovich - Orc Shaman
Tim Kulinski - Legolas
Howard Beam - Gil-galad
Howard Beam - Elrond
Howard Beam - Celeborn
Best Large Miniature (40mm+ Base)
Keith Hruska - Dragon

Dean Vukovich - Mordor Troll

Brent Sinclair - Buhrdur Troll

Tim Kulinski - Gandalf in Cart

Mike Gingold - The Necromancer

Best Calvary Miniature (40mm Base)
Brent Sinclair - Muhad Raider

Dean Vukovich - Giant Spider
Battle Scene (Diorama Base)

Jeremy Williams - Spider Attacking Dwarf

Tim Kulinski - Death of a Hero

John Petrelli
With that I would like to thank all the folks who entered the Red Dragon Competition, Empire Games store staff are the judges and I want to thank them for taking the time to look over the models. So now without further ado here are the 2010 Red Dragon Painting Competition winners:
Best Single Miniature (25mm Base)
John Petrelli - Radagast the Brown

Best Calvary Miniature (40mm Base)
Brent Sinclair - Muhad Raider

Best Large Miniature (40mm+ Base)

Tim Kulinski - Gandalf in Cart

Battle Scene (Diorama Base)
Tim Kulinski - Death of a Hero

So there you go, look forward to seeing even more folks enter next year.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Woohoo an Update!

    That's my Buhrdur Model as well.
