
Friday, November 20, 2009

Sorry, depression setting in...

Sorry guys, but the fact that I have not found work yet has me in a slump. But I think I may see a bright spot with this unemployment gig. After talking with a few friends, I think I am going to start taking on paint commissions and terrain commissions to earn a few extra dollars to keep the lights on (and a roof over my head).

So I have been looking at a few websites and one in particular has caught my attention. It's Blue Table Painting Shawn Gately of BTP seems to have a nice little gig going up in Utah. I am taking a few pointers from his site. So in a few days I will be unveiling my new adventure for making a few extra bucks. I am thinking I will be set up a separate blog to document the commissions. Fear not, I will still be updating this blog.

In fact I hope to have a few updates by the end of the weekend, with something different. It looks like I am going to be getting into another game which I left years ago. I am in the process of getting a Orc & Goblin army from my buddy Mike for my Tomb Kings that I was never really interested in playing. So hopefully I will have a few shots of the new army in the early stages of collections.

So to all my readers, I will resume normal updates soon, so hang in there...



  1. The economy is brutal man ... tough times. I went from my own income of 80K plus per year for 10 years (working a union government job ... the kind your never supposed to be able to lose and you keep until retirement) to being a stay at home dad. Hang in there man ... happy days will hopefully be here again for us all :) Good luck with the new endeavor!

  2. Sorry to hear you are feeling down, and that the job hunt has been unsuccessful. Let me know when you are taking commissions and I will send some LOTR Forces of Darkness mini's your way. You know how much it pains me to paint the forces of Sauron the Deciever...

  3. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Tim, Keep your spirits up. Eventually something will come your way, I'm sure of it.

  4. Tim I can't help you with finding a job however I can help you with adding models to your Orc and Goblin army. I have a large collection unpainted and still sitting in the boxes. Let me know if I can help you.


  5. Terrain Creation and Painting Commissions are a great way of keeping the wolf from the door.

    However don't get distracted about this being a 'real' job ... keep applying, but also keep active at something constructive ... like painting.

    Something that gives you satisfaction can be the best way to combat the lethargy.

    Alternatively, set up your own business... I did.

  6. Good luck on the commission thing. I highly recommend getting 50% down on the agreement to do the work. That is what I do with Freelance work, and it helps keep everything smooth.

    Poke around other painters sites, and forums. You will be able to find some tips that will help out. The forums at may be a great place to look.


  7. Thanks guys for the words of encouragement, I have been visiting alot of other sites and have learned a bit more than I knew a few days ago.

    I understand this will not be the cash cow that will pay my bills, but it will help out along with my wifes income.

    I am looking at getting started around the first of December, will keep you all posted...
