
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Will return to our scheduled programing


Have been busy looking for a new job since my office closed down in July. I have been in sort of a game slump lately, I guess the stress of looking for a job has kept me from doing much gaming.

So today (9/20/09) my buddy Rob and I got out and went to a few game shops here in the valley. Rob had a shopping list and even though I have no job, I had a shopping list as well. I was in search of a few tanks for Flames of War to start my budding DAK Panzer Tank Kompanie. I also was looking at picking up the New Afrika book along with a few other items. But I held off and only walked away with a Wargames Illustrated.

Now Rob on the other hand came home with said Afrika book and a little game called Space Hulk! Needless to say, after these purchases (and an awesome Lunch at Ted's Hotdogs!) we headed back to Robs to bust open Space Hulk. Scratch one hour down and we had everything assembled and ready for play.

So I skimmed the rules (since I had the 1st edition) and we played the first scenario. I took the Bugs & Rob took the Terminators. Needless to say the game went pretty quick with the bugs taking out the Terminators. Needless to say the new Space Hulk was a Home Run!

I left Robs with a new intensity to game and will be getting back to regular posts of some of the games I am interested in. So stay tuned for regular scheduled programming...


1 comment:

  1. The new space hulk is awesome. It is starting to sell out everywhere. Game Depot had 1 copy left Satuday.
