
Friday, March 06, 2009

The players of Gathering in the Desert 2009!

Here are a few of the guys that made Gathering in the Desert a huge success, without these guys there would have been no GitD!
First up a Big thank you to our Venue

The next shots are from the various rounds, what a Motley group we had!

Tom Opalka & Brent Sinclair square off to do battle on the fields off Angmar.

Next up is Frank Brown & John Long battle atop Amon Hen.

Damian Schumm, Andrey Zubkov (on left side) & Tim Kulinski, David Bishop (on the right side).

Jerry Autieri & Howard Beam plotting their moves.

Sean Ramirez & Tim Hixon fight in the Mirkwood Forrest.

Travis Paul & Kyle Kinghorn fight a bloody Dwarf Civil war!

Anthony Pigati & Chris Langland-Shula advance on the Seeing Seat.

Robert Brightwell & Mike Gingold fight over the spoils of Hobbiton!

Keith Hruska & Frank Brown clash on the desolate fields of Mordor.

Kyle Kinghorn & Dean Vuckovich fight in Mirkwood.
And if anyone ever asks you if Hobbits are real, I have proof of it here at this event!
No Photo shop picture here, this is the real thing! But I will say that this table was tall & poor Keith did need the chair to reach across the table.
Next up will be the Red Dragon Painting competition...

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