
Friday, November 07, 2008

WIP Amon Hen


Over the last few weeks I have been working on a simple terrain piece from the Fellowship of the Ring Journey book. Inside the book they have plans for Weathertop and Amon Hens Seeing Seat. Well I decided to tackle the Seeing Seat for a terrain piece for the Gathering in the Desert Indie GT in February. If you are not familiar with it, it was the scene in the movie where Boromir dies and Aragorn fights off the Uruk-hai. I plan on building Amon Hillas well for the event but first things first. So here are a few pictures of what I have now.

Here is the first shot of the piece. I used 1/4" PVC plastic for the seat, statues, top and sides. I also used 4 25mm GW bases, wooden Dowel & 4 1" pre-cut wooden blocks. The stairs are the only thing made from foam core.

In this picture you can see just how large this piece is. It stands about 6 1/2"tall to the top of the statues.
Here you see the back of the model that I covered with modeling paste to get the cracked look.

Anyhow now its time to paint this thing up. So there you go, the first terrain piece for Gathering in the Desert.


  1. Thanks for the in-progress photos. Where did you get the 1/4 PVC plastic? I have worked with sheet styrene from the hobby shop, but I haven't used PVC before. Can you score and snap it, or do you need to use a saw?
