
Friday, May 18, 2007

Whats been going on???

Well it's been awhile since I last posted and I thought I would bring folks up to speed with whats been going on, so here you go...

Our son Mychal will be graduating High School and in August will be going off to College in Manhattan Kansas, so we have been pretty busy getting ready for this. What does this have to do with gaming you ask? Well once Mychal spreads his wings and heads off to KS, I will be taking over his room for my game/painting room! The wife has no problem with this & neither does the boy. In fact when he comes home for Holidays and breaks he will be staying in the guest bedroom. So I have plans to build a nice 4' x 6' game table as well as a nice painting desk set up. So while it will be bitter sweet to have him leave, I'm excited about the new room! Selfish yes, but he knows I love him.

Also things are progressing on my Pirate Project and I look forward to seeing it hit the shelves in September of this year. For those that don't know, I wrote a set of rules for Warhammer historical based on the Legends of the Old West system but for Pirates. From what I hear, there is a coming soon add in the Wargames Illustrated that mentions it. Rob Broom of WHH has told me that they are now starting the Layout for the book, so we are close now.

Been assembling some armies for friends Mike & Lonnie. Mike's stuff involves a GW Lizardman army that is coming along. Lonnie has me working on a Chaos Army for 40k, so that is keeping me busy putting things together (which I like to do). These are trades I did with these guys a few months ago and it looks like there may be more coming my way.

Been Planning on launching a Lord of the Rings Campaign in June, I have about 8 guys signed up & it will be a blast. We are only planning on playing once a month and the kick off will be on June 3rd. It looks like I will be playing Rohan for this and I will be borrowing Robs army for the campaign with a few figs painted by me. I will be posting up here as time goes on.

Been busy with planning our Church Camp for church, once again what does this have to do with gaming? Well our theme is going to be called Battleground. It will be an all military theme to the camp & I'm thinking of taking a board game or two to play while we are up there. You see I volunteer in our Jr. high ministry and this will be a good way to get in a few games while I'm up there. We shall see.

A rekindled hobby has been brought back thanks to Mike & Rob! That hobby would have to be model railroading, a hobby I left when I moved from CA. Well it seems that Rob has been bitten by the MR bug and has asked me for help to build an HO shelf layout. Mike has an interest in N scale and this weekend we will be modifying his game table to house an N scale layout inside of it. So you would think with helping them my lust for MR would be sated, but remember the game room above, well I have come up with a plan to build a ceiling layout to run whats left of my MR stuff (mostly passenger trains). So it looks like I'm slowly being pulled back into the hobby.

Also a few weeks ago the wife & I took a weekend and went to Disneyland without the boy. We had a blast and the lines were not to bad (longest we waited was 25min). We both love the park although it took me awhile to start loving it again after working there for so long. We are planning on another trip dunning the fall with friends, which will be fun.

So there you have it, been pretty busy, and it looks like I will be for awhile...


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