
Friday, March 02, 2007

A Sad day in our House...

Yesterday (3/1/07) we had to say goodbye to one of our beloved cats, Deidre that we had for 14 years. We in fact got her about six months into our marriage and she was the last one of the original three cats we had (Resses, Blackie & Deidre). As some of you knew, Deidre was our one cat that would bless you when you sneezed by meowing at you. not sure how we taught her this but she did it every time.

She was also the one cat that I had that loved citrus stuff like orange juice (actually Sunny D), lemonade, and lemons as well as a bunch of other stuff. She also loved tuna (what cat doesn't) and would come running from wherever in the house when she heard the can or pouch open!

Deidre was "my" cat out of the three, & I will miss her and the times we spent with her lying on my chest as we both watched TV or when she would crawl under the covers with us on cold nights & hogging the bed! I will also miss her sitting in the computer room watching me mess around on the computer. In fact Deidre was always there when I worked on my Pirate Project as well.

Being 14 years old, in the last few months she started to loose allot of weight, which we thought was due to age or her loosing teeth. So we recently switched her over to wet food & she was eating up until this Tuesday. We also noticed over the weekend that her stomach started to swell up and that's when we took her into the vet on Tuesday. Well we got the results back yesterday and the vet thinks it was a stomach tumor that was swelling. We decided that because of her age and the fact that they couldn't do a whole lot for her to have her put to sleep.

Now I have to state, I'm a big baby when it comes to this! Thank God for my wife who is stronger than I to have to take care of this, without my wife I would be a babbling idiot! So with that yesterday at 5:12 my wife called me to say that Deidre was gone. She will be loved & missed and I will never forget my "Number One Kitty"...


1 comment:

  1. Man, does this hit home. I'm a cat lover myself. I can totally understand how you feel. I haven't lost any of my cats yet.... but this post really touched a nerve.
